Ralph Luther: As Paul Harvey says,"Now for the rest of the
story". We (Paul & I) left Chasn at 0600 [3/23 Ed.]. I drove to Emporia, Va
and then Paul took over. You know it's amazing how the traffic makes room for
you when you're going North in the Southbound lane. No seriously, Blue did a
fantastic job with the Washington, DC traffic to Dex's place. We visited with
Dex and his wife for a couple of hours. Man, you should see Dex's "Submarine
Room". Actually, it's a couple of rooms--what a collection. Had dinner and over
to the American Legion to see Torskdoc & Kathie, Olgoat & Toots, Bruce
Miller, Bill Kreher, Art Smith. We tried to drink the place dry but they are
use to the consumption of Olgoat and gang.
Larry Derouin (TorskDoc): BALTIMORE for about 6 hours today.
Blue and Ralph made the trip from D.C. to Bal'mer Hun. Tour of Torsk, and
stopped at hOOter's for CHOW!
Larry Derouin (regarding following photos): Ralph Luther and
Blue made a speed trip to D.C. from Charleston, leaving at 0600. I get a call
from Ralph "we're here at the 7-11 on Franconia rd" at 1330. I'm thinking
WTH??? 9 hour trip at least in 7.5 hours? "Whadja do kick in the after
burners?" "NAH! Let Blue drive" on the wrong side of the road. We ought to call
him MOSES, to see all the traffic parting!
Cathy (Neighbor) and I, met with Dex, & Solveig, Blue and Ralph for chow at
DAMON's - no pics there - and then all hightailed it over to the Springfield
legion where Dex took his leave as something had come up. Inside were Olgoat,
Bruce (Underwater Fan Mechanic) Miller, Art Smith, Toot's, Bill Kreher, and
some other denizens of the Legion hall.
BLUE DOES SMILE! AND WE GOT IT ON FILM (or memory cards) The suds flowed freely
and so did the BULL (NTINS...........)

Toots(Olgoats BETTER 1/2), Unidentified denizon of American Legion, BLUE, and
Cathy. Next is Blue getting a tongue lashing from OlGoat! Some things are
better left unsaid between fore enders and TM's!!!

Ralph Luther and Bill Kreher, shipmates on USS SENNET, who met up for 1st time
in 38 years. Next, Art Smith.... 6 patrols on USS SKATE (SS-305) Silver Star
recipient, explaining 3 minutes for $3.00 to Blue. And finally, the "Four
Torpedomen" - Olgoat, Blue, Art and Dex.

Solveig, Blue and Toots
- Larry
More photos on Ray "Olgoat" Stone's
The DC Tour

Blue at the White House, Captal and Lincoln Memorial.

Blue at the Korean and Vietnam Memorials. Gravestone of Rear Admiral Summers
who Blue met in 1985 - Admiral Summers was the CO of the Pampanito.
Road trip to Baltimore:

Blue and the Hooter gals. Blue, Larry and Ralph. Blue at the Torsk.
3/25/2005 Blue: "I've got blisters on my fingers"... (The
White Album) But seriously, I have them on my feet from all the walking around
the D.C. area yesterday and today, phew...some serious mileage has been put in!
Yesterday, I went to the city, braved the Metro system and realised it was a
piece of cake. Went to the Capitol Building, looked around from the outside and
was told it would be better to come back tomorrow for the tour as parts of the
building were shut.
Walked down to the Reflecting Pool, had some pictures taken then walked down the
Capitol Mall. Got to the Washington Monument to find out they dish out the
tickets at 0800, so, "come back tomorrow"...proceded down further to the
Vietnam War Memoruial, known as The Wall, quite moving to see people reach up
to touch their friend/relative's name, some even traced the names. Went over to
the Korea War Memorial, wow, this is truly amazing to see. Then over to the
Lincoln Monument, fantastic to see also. ( glad the 'planet of the apes' movie
is not true! lol )
Across the way to see The White House, asked someone to take a picture of me and
they were from Brisbane (in Queensland) so we had a chat. They informed me that
George Walker Bush obviously didn't get my e-mail as he had left 30 minutes
prior to my arrival...the man needs a better secretary ( another job for me
perhaps?)or he is one rude bastard! *_*
Today, (Thursday the 25th) I went back into the city, phew, managed to get
tickets for the 1200 tour of George Washington's Monument so I went to the Air
and Space section of the Smithsonian Institute for a few hours, pretty
interesting indeed. (who was the last man on the moon?) Back to the 'needle
thing' for the tour, waited in line for 1 hour and 10 minutes due to the x-ray
machine being broken so they had to do the searches by hand ( at least they
were warm! lol)
Tried to go and see Agents Fox and Scully at the FBI building but they wouldn't
allow me in, due to 9-11. Roamed around and found myself at the Union Staion,
pretty neat for a train station, then headed back to the Air and Space building
for another quick look before meeting up with Jim Mandelblatt who a few of you
guys have met. We had a nice chat over a soda and then I bid farewell in time
to be squashed inside the train, luckily I was surrounded by women. *_*
Tomorrow I head over to the Arlington Cemetary and take a ride down to the
Pentagon, don't believe I will get inside though, once again due to 9-11. Then
staying with Dex and Solveig, meeting the guys at the Legion for a 'few' drinks
and then catching the 'Dog' to Pittsburgh. (end transmission) - Blue *_*
3/26/2004 Blue: Visited Arlington National Cemetary today,
strolled around in the beautiful surroundings, glancing here and there at the
head stones. Went to see JFK's resting place, then made my way to the Tomb of
the Unknown Soldier and watched the Marines do their stuff. Looked at the
plaques inside from various Nations and saw some from our Navy with names of
officers I have served with.
On my way out of the cemetary, I happened to look left and catch the name of
someone who I have met back in 1985, that being; Paul Edward Summers, Rear
Admiral, 1913-1993, Navy Cross WWII. If I am not mistaken, this is the CO of
the USS PAMPANITO. Just had to share that bit of 'fate' with you guys.
Now I have blisters on my blisters!