Ric picked Blue up at the train
station and they met Cliff Nutter and Dave Goodson for dinner. The next
morning, Blue and Ric joined up with Don Gentry and Peter McCafferty and they
jumped on a Bremerton-bound ferry to hook up with John Clear. John
treated us to a tour of Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, the Keyport Undersea
Museum, Deterrent Park on the SubBase, a side trip to the exchange, then on to
the Horse and Cow (nice orchestration John!!) Blue will be staying with
John tonight in Port Ludlow. More to come as others report in.
Click on photos for full-size view:

(above) Peter McCafferty, Blue, John Clear, Ric Hedman checking out Deep
Star in the parking lot of the Undersea Museum in Keyport WA. The Trieste
II is also in the lot. Inside the museum, Blue is at the scope in an SSN
control room mockup.
(above) John and Blue inside the museum. The group visits Deterrent Park on
SubBase Bangor. And Blue at the infamous Horse and Cow just before burgers and

(above) Just short of the Bremerton ferry terminal we take a break along the
water. Being boat sailors, it immediately turned into a rock
skipping contest (Blue kicked our collective butts). And Pete, Ric
and Don say goodbye to Blue as our return Ferry shows up (right side of photo).
Photos from John Clear:
From John Clear (Blue stayed at John's house on the night of the 27th):
Took Blue to the Clearwater Casino on Saturday morning - then the ferry...
Millie and I went back to the casino after dropping him off, stayed 'till 0200
and walked away to the good - tell Blue!

(above) Blue signs the guest log at the Undersea Museum. Blue thinks our WT
doors are bloody small. Blue pointing at a kangaroo on the USS Cod battle flag
(USS Ray battle flag above).

(above) Blue and Ric checking out one of the long shelves of research material
in the Undersea Museum Library (impressive collection). Blue and Don in the SSN
mockup. Blue at the scope.

(above) The Trieste II and Deep Star in the lot at the Undersea Museum in
Keyport. Ric, Pete, Blue and Don under the Sturgeon sail also in the lot. Ric
and Pete purusing the donated bricks at Deterrent Park (I found one inscribed
"Joe Six Pack").

(above) Pete, Don, Blue and Ric outside the Horse and Cow. When we arrived
there was already a group of subvets "having noon tea." Somebody there picked
up our tab and we never found out who. Whoever you are, THANK YOU!!

(above) Don showing just how big the H&C burgers are while Blue digs into
the cajun fries with a Silent Service Stout at the ready to wash 'em
down. Blue and his traveling t-shirt with PEP's image.