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30DEC2005: New story: Christmas Eve in DaNang by Gary Walker
17DEC2005: A new submarine history/reference website by Jim Christley: Old Subs Place
13NOV2005: A private photo collection of WWII era USS Ray SS-271 photos: Rob't Shackleford Collection
12NOV2005: An update to the story Snorkel, the Hardhead Mouse
6NOV2005: Bash II photos: A salute to Gary "Cowboy" McLaughlin  
16OCT2005: New poem added: Cowboy's Lament  
22JUN2005: Read about an Australian Memorial Day service for US Submarines
5JUN2005: Please help shipmate Tom Gilbert who is in desparate need of a heart transplant. Click here for details. 
17DEC2004: New Sea Story "A Journey of Yesterdays" by Dave Eberhart - enjoy!
3DEC2004: New "One Liners" humor collection - enjoy!
3DEC2004: New humor - Reappearing Dolphins
19NOV2004: New sea story - Snorkel, the Hardhead Mouse
17JUL2004: VADM Al Konetzni's retirement is celebrated today.
Memorial Day in Washington State
Now Available! Gallant Lady : A Biography of the USS Archerfish

Gallant Lady

New submarine museum coming to Long Beach CA. 

DBF/Nuke Project: Author Dan Gillcrist of Gundeck.com has an interesting project in progress. He is collecting first hand experiences of life about diesel boats versus nuclear boats. Click here to find out how to make your contribution.
Join Paul "Blue" Hartridge (a submariner from Western Australia) as he travels around the US visiting boatsailors and other folks of equally questionable character.
Norm Williams has reactivated his message board for Australian submariners. Drop in and say hello .
Have you seen your sub school photo recently? Gary Walker has collected 339 class photos - see if your's is there.
The submarine community says goodbye to Bob Casey , Lionkeeper.
Interested in the old Foxtrots? Attend School of the Boat in Seattle with Cobra COB Dave Goodson.
If you are registered in the online database and would like to make a voluntary contribution to the onging support, click here.
History: The sinking of the Shinyo Maru and the loss of US POWs - by Eugene Mazza
New poem added: I Remember by Dick Murphy -Click Here
New stories and humor: Excellent sources of info on the USS Alligator:
USS Tusk Collision Story by Richard Gottardi: Click Here
New stories and humor:
New USSVI Base: Charleston SC
New limited edition painting reproductions of the USS Archerfish are now available.
New USS Ray BBS (tune in for reunion news)
John "Gumba" Carcioppolo wins 2003 Joe Negri award.
"The Rising Tide" - The untold stories of Russian submarines during the cold war.
Seattle Tolling of the Boats news article.
Seattle Tolling of the Boats photos.
Seattle Tolling of the Boats news article.
Save the Trout! See the latest update on Trout including photos.
Jack Geng has produced another submarine painting.
Check out Greg Howson's article and personal photos on the fate of the Japanese submarine RO-60.
Do you know what ASDS stands for? If not, check this out! Hint: one of the S's stands for SEAL and the "D" stands for delivery. It's guaranteed to be interesting reading. (thanks to Frank Toon for this link)
Please visit the new tribute page in honor of Ben Bastura who gave so much to the submarine family. Shipmate Ray 'Olgoat' Stone has a magnetic version of the new Navy Jack available for purchase - check it out.
Read about the Veteran's History Project and participdate in it if you can.
Pre-order now available for new submarine fiction book: Final Bearing 

New submarine fiction by George Wallace and Don Keith

By CDR George Wallace and Don Keith

New book, "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Submarines " by Michael DeMercurio and Michael Benson.

Another entry in the Crunch series from Ric Hedman.
First hand account of the loss of the USS Stickleback SS-415.
New page on the Reserve Training Boats of the US Submarine Service.  Take a look and contribute your info!
The Russian Juliett class submarine on display in Providence Rhode island needs your support. Take some time to tour their informative website. (related article)
Joe Most's "Most Coast Bash" will be on Feburary 7, 8 and 9th, 2003.  Questions? Email Joe.
Read about the S-44 Replica Project
Foxtrot Radio Club has been formed on the Soviet boat in Seattle WA.
Edward L. Beach Tribute
Help bring the Razorback home!
Photos of the 2002 Veterans Day parade in Auburn WA.
A simple start on Navy pin up girls.
Another entry in the "Crunch" series by Mike Hacking
USS Balao SS-285 Memorial Dedication
David Palagyi's photos from the USS Halibut SSGN/SSN 587 reunion in San Diego. (plus tour photos from the USS Salt Lake City)
Do you have anything to add to the movie boats page?
Have you seen your sub school photo recently? Check out Gary Walker's growing collection.
More PSNY submarine recycling photos courtesy of Harry Higgins.
Fins Project II: You've seen the first project in Seattle Washington, now see the Miami-Dade County version by John T. Young, Professor of Sculpture, University of Washington
Under Pressure by AJ Hill - an outstanding submarine book about the near-loss of the crew of the S-5... a must read. [Review]
Photos from the August 2002 USSVI Seattle and Bremerton Base tours of the USS Bremerton SSN-698.
The USS Razorback SS-394 is coming home! Get an update and see the latest photos.
New story: Archerfish - Operation Sea Scan by Mike Giambattista.
USS Portsmouth (SSN 707) was launched 20 years ago on September 18th - read all about it.