Rescue of Australian and British Prisoners of War by Four USS Submarines September
by Eugene A. Mazza, ROSUB@AOL.COM,
NOV 2001 (photo
to right)
I tried to gather, in one place, all of the
names and any other information about the Australian and British
Prisoners of War that were rescued by the four United States
Submarines during the period of 15 September to 17 September 1944.
These submarines were the USS Pampanito SS383, USS Sealion SS 315,
USS Queenfish SS393 and the USS Barb SS220.
I have very little about the rescue and tender care that each
prisoner received by the respective corpsmen and their assistants.
The details are fully covered in the books “Return From The River
Kwai “, “Thunder Below” and the war patrol report of each submarine.
The few details in this article were taken, in some cases word for
word, from the above sources.
On the night of 9 September 1944, the "Busters", a wolfpack,
under the command of Cdr. Oakley was ordered to rendezvous on
September 11, and to intercept a convoy that left Singapore and was
headed for Japan. The Busters consisted of the USS Growler SS 215,
[Cdr. T. B. Oakley], USS Sealion SS315, [Cdr. Eli T. Reich] and the
USS Pampanito SS383, [LtCdr. Paul E.Summers]. Later that night, the
"Eradicators", another wolfpack, including the USS Queenfish SS 393,
[LtCdr. Paul E. Summers and the USS Barb SS 220, [Cdr. Eugene B.
Fluckey] were ordered to act as backstop and to move in on the
convoy, as well.
Growler, first to arrive at the meeting point on the night of the
11th, found light overcast and calm seas with rain on the horizon.
The USS Sealion, after loading with torpedoes and fuel, put to sea
again from Saipan, to rejoin her wolf pack and continue her second
patrol. Sealion surfaced nearby around 2000 hours. Pampanito moved
in an hour and a half later. The boats exchanged recognition signals
with the SJ radar and moved within 100 yards of Growler to receive
vocal instructions for the attack. The wolfpack moved to the
expected position of the approaching convoy.
In the predawn hours of September 12, 1944, Ben's Busters
wolfpack contacted the nine-ship convoy with seven escorts in the
Convoy College area. The original convoy, which left Singapore for
Japan on 6 September, consisted of six- Japanese ships with five
escorts. Crammed aboard the Rakuyo Maru were 1318 POWs. Consisting
of 600 English and 717 Australian and 1 American. These captives
were being transported to slave in the Emperor's factories and
mines. Of the five other ships in the convoy, two were heavily laden
transports; another was a large freighter carrying rubber and rice.
The remaining two were loaded oil tankers and five escorts. On the
night of 12 September the convoy was proceeding northward in three
columns. This convoy united with 5 ships and two escorts from a
southern Philippine convoy.
Between 0100 and 0130 all three submarines contacted the convoy
by radar some 300 miles off Hainan. The submarines swung into
action. At 0155 the Growler began the show by attacking from the
convoy's starboard side. Putting a torpedo into the Hirado, the
leading escort vessel on the starboard bow. The frigate blew up
amidships, burst into flames and sank within a few minutes. At 0534
Commander Reich drove the Sealion into attack on the convoy's
starboard side. In two minutes time, two torpedoes hit the
passenger-cargoman Nankai Maruin the center of the formation;
another torpedo hit a large transport leading the right column, and
two more hit the Rakuyo Maru. The Japanese aboard the latter
immediately abandoned ship. The unfortunate prisoners, left to fend
for themselves, somehow got free of the ship, and into the water.
The Nankai Maru went down in about half an hour. The Rakuyo Maru
sank late in the afternoon.
In the attacks, which followed this encounter, four ships and two
escorts were sunk and several others damaged, the Rakuyo being among
those who went down via the Sealion's torpedoes. She sank slowly,
giving the Japanese crew and guards ample time to make off in the
lifeboats, leaving the prisoners to shift for themselves. The
prisoners were 1,318 English, Australian and I American prisoners of
war being transported from Singapore to Japan. This fact was unknown
to anyone and it only came to light when some of the survivors were
At 0130 on the morning of September 12, Pampanito's ace radar
technician, George Moffett, picked up several pips on the screen at
a range of over fifteen miles.
Pampanito again picked up the convoy on high periscope (using the
periscope fully extended while on the surface to increase viewing
range) at noon the next day, and tracked it westward. Just after
dark, Summers moved in for a surface attack, but had to pull the sub
back when he learned that the torpedo in tube #4 had moved forward
in the tube and had a "hot run" (the torpedo engine was running
inside the tube at high speed being held back by the closed outer
door). Although the warhead of a torpedo was designed to be unarmed
until it had run through the water for a few hundred feet, the crew
knew that torpedoes could be temperamental. Pampanito was pulled
back to disengage a jammed gyro setter caused by the hot run.
Summers then quickly moved in again to set up the attack with the
dud torpedo still in tube #4. A few minutes later the boat was once
again in position.
"LT.CDR Summers at 2240 Fired five torpedoes forward; three
at large transport and two at large AK....Swung hard right and at
2243 Fired four stern tubes; two at each of the two AK's in the
farthest column. Saw 3 hits in large AP, two hits in large AK
(Targets No. 1 and 2) and one hit in AK (farthest column) heard
and timed hit in fourth AK (Leading ship in farthest column)....
In all, seven hits out of nine torpedoes. From the bridge we
watched both the large AP and the large AK (one with two hits)
sink within the next ten minutes, and saw the after deck house of
the third ship, on which we saw one hit, go up into the air with
the ship smoking heavily. The fourth ship could not be
observed...because of much smoke and haze in that direction. A
short interval after the seven hits, the escorts started dropping
depth charges at random, but for once we didn't
On 12 September Pampanito had sunk a 524-foot transport,
Kachidoki Maru, a captured American vessel built in New Jersey in
1921. First owned by the United States Ship Line, and later the
Dollar Line, she had originally been named Wolverine State. After
having been sold to American President Lines, she was renamed
President Harrison. When captured off the China coast by the
Japanese, she was given the name Kachidoki Maru. Like the Rakuyo
Maru, the ship had been carrying raw materials to Japan. Also aboard
were 900 Allied POWs.
Following the attack, Pampanito pulled away to eject the hot run
torpedo and reload all tubes. An hour later, in another attack,
Summers missed with three shots fired at a destroyer escort. He also
observed two small ships, one of which had stopped, apparently to
pick up survivors of the earlier attack. He decided they were too
small to waste time and a torpedo on, and he moved on to rejoin the
pack on the following night. No immediate attempt was made to track
down the remaining stragglers from the convoy.
The wolfpack rendezvoused the night of September 13th. Growler
moved south while Sealion and Pampanito spent the next day in vain
looking for the rest of the convoy, then headed east toward the area
of the September 12th attack on Rakuyo Maru. After diving to avoid a
plane late in the afternoon of the 15th Pampanito surfaced to find
much debris and floating wreckage.
Unaware the ships carried allies; the
submarines had cleared the immediate area. The two Japanese ships
did not have any markings indicating that they were transporting
POWs. No Red Cross insignia was visible from any angle. The
submarines, totally unconscious of what had happened, pursued the
remnants of the convoy until it took refuge in Hong Kong, then they
returned to station. During the day, however, Japanese escorts
picked up most of the Japanese while the allied prisoners in the
water were hold at bay by rifles and pistols. By nightfall the
miserable men, abandoned, were swimming desperately, or clinging
helplessly to mats of wreckage. After sundown the prospect of
survival seemed slim indeed. But these castaways were to have an
unexpected deliverance. On the afternoon of the 15th, the Pampanito
passed through the waters where the attack had been made.
On 15 September, Pampanito moved back to the area of the original
attack and found men clinging to makeshift rafts. As she moved
closer, the men were heard to be shouting in English. These men
beckoning for help, were the POW survivors of Rakuyo Maru sunk four
days earlier by Sealion.
"At 1605 A bridge lookout sighted some
men on a raft, so stood by small arms, and closed to investigate.
1634 the men were covered with oil and filth and we could not make
them out. They were shouting but we couldn't understand what they
were saying, except made out words "Pick us up please." Called
rescue parties on deck and took them off the raft. There were
about fifteen (15) British and Australian Prisoner of War
survivors. On this raft from a ship sunk the night of 11-12
September 1944. We learned they were enroute from Singapore to
Formosa and that there were over thirteen hundred on the sunken
ship." [2]
Pampanito began picking up survivors as fast as she could locate
them, and sent a message to Sealion asking for help. (Growler had
departed for home). Sealion spotted her first survivors at 6:30pm on
the 15th. Pearl directed the wolfpack Eradicators, Barb and
Queenfish to assist. And by Noon the 17th all remaining survivors
had been pickrd up. In all 159 men were saved by the four
submarines, which then raced back to Saipan."
These men were survivors of Rakuyo Maru, sunk earlier by Sealion.
After four days of drifting on makeshift rafts they were in
extremely bad shape. Most were covered with oil from the sunken
tanker, and had long since used up what little food and water they
had with them. Slowly, the survivors brought aboard Pampanito
unveiled the story of what had occurred. Summers radioed Sealion,
and Reich also moved in to pick up survivors. Again from the
Pampanito patrol reports:
The crew of Pampanito spent four hours
rescuing as many survivors as could be found. Under the direction of
torpedo officer Lt. Ted Swain, volunteer teams were formed to get
the almost helpless men aboard. Some of Pampanito's crew dove into
the water with lines to attach to the rafts so they could be brought
in close enough for others, on deck and on the saddle tanks, to
carefully lift the men aboard. Among those crew members who swam out
to rescue the former POWs, leaving the relative safety of the sub
and risking being left behind if the boat had to dive, were Bob
Bennett, Andrew Currier, Bill Yagemann, Gordon Hooper, Jim Behney,
and Tony Hauptman. It was a tense and emotional period as the
shocked crew worked to save as many of the oil soaked survivors as
possible. During the rescue many of the crew came topside to help.
The crew of all four submarines exhibited this same reaction.
Details of the formation of the rescue party, hauling out part,
delivery and stripping party for the rescue of the POWs and their
tender care and maintenance, for all four boats is found in their
respective war patrol reports and in the book “Return From The River
Kwai”. If a Japanese plane attacked at the time of recovery, all
hands would have been left on deck, as the submarine would dive to
avoid attack.
The two submarines combed the area, racing with darkness. When no
more men could be safely accommodated, the two headed full-speed for
Saipan. Before leaving for Saipan, Summers sent off a message to
Pearl Harbor relaying what had happened, and requested that more
subs be called in to continue the rescue. The only other boats in
the area were Queenfish and Barb; they were ordered in as soon as
possible. Both boats were 450 miles west in pursuit of a convoy, but
when they received the new orders they dropped the track and headed
full speed to the rescue area.
The two submarines were ordered to proceed to the area and rescue
the remainder. Queenfish and Barb arrived at 0530 on the 17th to
begin their search for rafts among the floating debris. Just after
1300 they located several rafts and began to pick up the few men
still alive. They only had a few hours to search before a typhoon
moved in, sealing the fate of those survivors not picked up in time.
Before the storm hit, Queenfish found 18 men, and Barb found 14. The
boats headed on to Saipan after a final search following the storm
revealed no further survivors.
The Sealion had picked up 54 survivors, but four-died enroute.
Pampanito had rescued 73 survivors, one died on the way to Saipan,
for a total of 127 POWs that were picked out of the dirty oily
Pampanito was able to pick up 73 men and called in three other
subs in the area. Sealion [SS 315] picked up 54 men, USS Queenfish
(SS-393) rescued 18 men and USS Barb (SS-220) rescued 14. Of the
1,318 men on Rakuyo Maru sunk by Sealion, 159 were rescued by the
four subs. It was later learned that the Japanese trawlers and
frigates rescued additional 136 men for a total of 295 survivors. Of
the 900 men on the Kachidoki Maru sunk by Pampanoto, 656 men were
rescued by the Japanese whale ship, Kibibi Maru, whose whale oil
tanks had been converted to fuel tanks and taken to prison camps in
Japan. Over 500 of these men were released by American troops at the
end of the war.
The Japanese had picked up their own survivors from the wreckage
of two large transports sunk by the adjacent pack. They made no
attempt to save any survivors from among the 2,218 British and
Australian POWs embarked in the transports.
 This picture of the rescue by
Julian Allen is from the jacket of the book “Return From The River

USS Pampanito SS 383 Under The Command of
LtCdr Paul E. Summers Third War Patrol Rescue of Australian
and British Prisoner-of-War
Survivors Names and next of Kin of Seventy Three
Australians Forty Seven
- Boulter, J. L., #VX43375, Private, 2/2
M.T. Reg. Australian Infantry Mrs. J. L. Boulter 52 Park Street,
South Melborne, Victoria, Australia.
- Browne, J.F.M., #NX50497, Private, 65th
Batt.., 2/15 Field Reg., A.I.F Mrs. M. Browne 156 Pennant St.,
Parranatta, N.S.W., Australia.
- Bullock, R.C., # QX9591, Private, 8th
Aux. Div., Provost Co., A.I.F. Mrs. V. Bullock 22 Evelyn St.,
Paddington, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
- Chivars, H.C., #VX26626, Private, 2/2
Pioneers, A.I.F. Mrs. H.C. Chivars 184 Roslyn St., West
Melborne,Victoria, Australia.
- Cocking, A.J., #WX16369, Private, 2/4
A.G., A.I.F. Mrs. A.J. Cocking 35 Dundix Road, West Australia.
- Coombes, F.J., #NX2111, Private, 2/3 Res.
T. Co., A.I.F. Mrs. I. W. Coombes 41 Waldron St.,
Sandringham,N.S.W., Australia.
- Cornford, R., #NX44955, Private, 2/19
Batt.,8th Div., 5th I.T.B., Malaya. Mrs. R. Cornford A.I.F. 26
Ebins St., Mowlongong, N.S.W., Australia
- Cunneen, D.W., #VX32993, Sergeant, 13th
Batt., 4th A.T. Reg., A.I.F. Mrs. A. Cunneen Goulburn, Weir Via,
Nagambia, Victoria, Australia.
- Curran, M.W., #NX37529, Private, 2/19
Batt., A.I.F. Mrs. K. Curran 336 Bourke St., Zetland, N.S.W.,
- Farlow, C.L., #NX35756, Corporal, 2/19
Batt., A.I.F. Mrs. I.M. Farlow P.O. Box 125 Hay, N.S.W., Australia
- Farmer, F.B., #VX60993, Private, 2/10
Ord. Works Shops, A.I.F. Mrs. Mary Farmer 6 BLUFF Road, Black
Rock, S9, Victoria, Australia.
- Farrands, M.R., #NX36050, Corporal, 2/19
Batt., A.I.F. Mrs. L.R. Farrands Ganmain, N.S.W., Australia.
- Flynn, D. A., #SX10228, Driver, 2/2 Res.
M.T. Co., Malaya, A.I.F. Mrs. D.A. Flynn 82 Gouger St., Adelaide,
South Australia.
- Gainer, R.J., #VX61502, Private, 2/10
Ord. Work Shops, A.I.F. Mrs. E.F .Gainer 10 Conard Ave., Geelong
West, Victoria, Australia.
- GOLLIN, R.G., #NX44147, Private,
M.L.F.D., A.I.F. Mrs. A.S. Gollin Wyrallah, Via Lismore, N.S.W.,
- Harris, R.J., #QX9275, Gunner, 2/10 R.A.
Engineers, A.I.F. Mrs. Ruth Harris 56 Bennetts Road, Coorparoo,
Brisbane, Australia.
- Hart, R.H., #VX23586, Sapper, 2/10 R.A.
Engineers, A.I.F. Mrs. E. Sandison 70 Hawksburn Road, South Yarra,
Melborne, Victoria, Aust.
- Hocking, J.R., #VX17768, Corporal, 2/2
Pioneers, A.I.F. Mrs. A.G. Hocking 1 Hall St., Castlemaine,
Victoria, Australia.
- Holcroft, F., #QX23670, Private, 2/3 Ord.
Stores Co., A.I.F. Mrs. E.A. Holcroft Wakefield St., Albion,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
- Jesse, F.W., #VX41988, Sig., 2/2 Res. M.
T. Co., A.I.F. Mrs. Henrietta Jesse Blackburn, Melborne,
- Kinleside, H.L., #VX55127, Gunner, 4th
A.T. Reg., A.I.F. Mrs. H.L. Kinleside 82 Magnolia Ave., Mildura,
Victoria, Australia.
- Lansdowne, J.H., #QX13551, Private, 2/26
Batt., A.I.F. Mrs. H.T. Lansdowne Stafford St., Murwillumbah,
N.S.W., Australia.
- Latham, C.T.S., #NX72262, Dispatch Rider,
2/3 M.T. Co., A.I.F. Mrs. M. Latham 6 Vrentnaoo St., Merrylands,
N.S.W., Australia.
- Longey, C., Private, #----, 2/40 Batt.,
A.I.F. C/o Constable Longey Police Station, Hobart, Tasmania.
- Lynch, D.F., #QX24156, Private, 2/2
Pioneer Reg., 8th Div., A.I.F. Mrs. F. Lynch 171 Grifton St.,
Warwick, Queensland, Australia.
- Madden, C.W., #QX22879, Private,
Hdqrtrs., A.I.F. Mrs. W.H. Madden Tweed St., Tweed Heads, N.S.W.,
- Martin,H.D., #WX204, Private,2/10 Ord.
Work Shops, A.I.F. Mrs. H.D. Martin Esperance, West Australia.
- Mawby, R.H., #VX2064, Private, 2/2
Pioneers, A.I.F. Mrs. F. Mawby 2 Elbena Road, Murrumbeena,
Victoria, Australia.
- McArdle, D., #VX36838, Corporal, 2/29
Batt., A.I.F. Mrs. H. McArdle Morra St., Rushworth, Victoria,
- McKechnie, C., #QX14464, Bombardier, 2/10
Field Reg., A.I.F. Mrs. H. McKechnie Boronia Ave., Holland Park,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
- McKittrick, W.H., #NX33414, Private, 2/12
Field Co., Eng., A.R.A.E., Mrs. V.L. McKittrick A.I.F. 151 Queen
St., Weellahra, N.S.W., Australia.
- Miscamble, R.C., #QX13804, Gunner, 2/10
Field Reg., A.I.F. Mrs. E. Maher 40 Somerset St., Windsor,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
- Pascoe, T.A., #WX7409, Driver, 2/4, M.
G., A.I.F. Mrs. E.W. Pascoe Denmark, West Australia.
- Pickett, H., #WX9055, Sig., 2/4 M.G.
Batt., A.I.F. Mrs. Kathleen Pickett 10 Byers Road, Midland
Junction, West Australia.
- Renton, K.C., #VX22728, Private, 2/2
Pioneer Batt.,A.I.F. Mrs. J. Robinson Iona Flats, Beaconsfield
Parade, Port Melborne, Australia.
- Smith, C.F., #NX32726, Sergeant, 2/19
Batt., A.I.F. Mrs. R.R. Smith 7 Patterson St., North Bondi,
N.S.W., Australia.
- Smith, C.G., #SX11294, Corporal, 4th M.T.
Co., A.I.F. Mrs. C.G. Smith Loveday St., Goolwa, South Australia.
- Smith, P., #NX35359, Private, 2/19 Batt.,
A.I.F. Mr. G.E. Smith 7 William St., Nirrandera, River Ina,
N.S.W., Australia.
- Stewart, R.S., #VX31123, Gunner, 13th
A.T. Battery, A.I.F. Mr. W. Stewart 2A Union St., Malvern,
Victoria, Australia.
- Turner, J.W., #SX10112, Driver, 2/2 M.T.
Co., A.I.F. Mr. E. R. Turner 19 Heath Pool Road, Heath Pool,
Adelaide, South Australia.
- Vickers, J.A., #VX59658, Private, 27th
Brigade Hdqrtrs., A.I.F. Mr. A. Vickers 16 Carlton St., Carlton,
Melborne, Victoria, Australia.
- Wall, R.J., # VX56797, Private, 2/2 M.T.
Batt., A.I.F. Mrs. H.J. Wall Hapetown,Victoria, Australia.
- Weigand, H.G., #NX32373, Sapper, 2/12
Engineers, A.I.F. Mrs. H.G. Weigand Bent St., Katoonba, N.S.W.,
- White, S. McL., #---, Private, 2/29
Batt., A.I.F. Mr. J.C. White 17 Staniland Ave., Melborne,
Victoria, Australia. Williams, K., SX11200, Corporal, 27th
Brigade, Army Ord., A.I.F. Mrs. K. Williams Oak Bank, South
- Winter, A.D., #WX8110, Private, 2/4 M.G.
Batt., A.I.F. Mrs. W. Martin 51 Redcliffe Road, Redcliffe, West
- Winter, W. V., #WX10373, Private, 2/4 M.G. Batt., A.I.F. Mrs.
A. Winter 6 Judd St., South Perth, West Australia.
British Twenty Six
- Anderson, C., #5949038, Lance Corporal,
5th Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Regiment. Mrs. C. Anderson 14
Corncastle Road, Luton, Bedfordshire, England.
- Baldwin, G., #5952591, Private, 5th
Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Mrs. A.J. Baldwin Regiment. 84
Road Lane, London, England.
- Barker, H.J., #5774196, Private, 4th
Royal Norfolk Reg. Mrs. C. Barker Brassingham, Diss, Norfolk,
- Brierley, T.B., #---, Gunner, 32nd Coast
Battery, 9th Coast Reg. % Mrs. E. Hodgkinson Graveny Lodge,
Meophan Green, Near Gravesend, Kent, England.
- Costello, S., #1103020, Gunner, 148th
Field Reg. Royal Artillery. Mrs, Harriet Costello 35 Cambridge
St., South Elmsall, York, England.
- Cray, W., #1787132, Private, 16th Advance
Reg., Royal Artillery. Mrs. E.R. Cray 15 Merten Grove, Preston
Road, Hull, England.
- Cresswell, D.A., #-----, Gunner,148th
Field Reg., Royal Artillery. Mrs. R. Coldbreath 58 Gordon’s Way,
Oxstead, Surrey, England.
- Everitt, W., #--- in bad condition could
not get information. Mrs. C. Everitt 45 Clure Cresent, Harrow,
London, England.
- Fieldhouse, E., #872495, Gunner, 9th
Coast Reg., Royal Artillery. Mrs. Clara Fieldhouse Dry Close
Cottage, Sulby Bridge, Isle of Man, United Kingdom.
- Harrison, J., #4865705, Private, 1st
Batt., Lercestershire, Reg. Mrs. H. Harrison 17 Plum Tree Way, New
Brumby, Scunthorpe, Linconshire, England.
- Hughes, E., #4204143, Private, #16
M.B.U.,Sherwood Foresters. Mrs. J.T. Hughes #5 Council Houses,
Bradley,, Near Wrexham, North Wales, England.
- Jay, C. #1110409, Gunner, 148th Field
Reg., Royal Artillery. Mrs. D.V. Jay 7 Rainsford Way, Romford,
Essex, England.
- Jones, H., #2323445, Sergeant,Royal Corp.
of Signals. Mr. Albert Jones 35 Richmond Ave., Chadderton, Near
Oldham, Lancastershire, England.
- Kidman, W., #5830966, Private, 5th
Suffolks, Royal Infantry. Mrs. W. Kidman The Pitts, Isleham, Near
Ely, Cambshire, England.
- Mandley, W.A., #5184120, Gunner, 8th [S],
Coastal Batt. H.K.S., Royal Artillery. Mrs. A. Mandley %Mrs.
Langley, 52 Market St., Northhampton, England.
- Nobbs, A., #1115656, Private,88th Field
Reg., Royal Artillery. Mr. J.H. Nobbs 44 Bridge St., Hexthorpe,
Doncaster, Yorkshire, Eng.
- Ogden, A., #---, Gunner,88th Field Reg.,
Royal Artillery. Mr. J.W. Ogden 20 Dane St., Thurnscoe, E., Near
Rotherham, Eng.
- Perry, C.A., #907794, 125TH A.T. Reg.
Royal Artilery Mrs. C.A. Perry 38 Alderson St., Deptford,
Sunderland, Durham, Eng.
- Smethurst, H., #10552139, Private, Royal
Army Ord. Corp. Mr. J.C. Smethurst 9 Hassop Ave., Lower Kesal,
Lanchashire, England.
- Smith, T., #910824, Private, 125th A.T.
Reg., Royal Artillery. Mr. R. Smith 42 Elmwood Ave., Southwick,
Sunderland, Durham, Eng.
- Smith, D., #4278586, Fusileer, Royal
Northumberland Fusileers. Mrs. A. Smith Car Lane, Custleford,
Yorkshire, England.
- Taylor, T. #3859126, Private, 16th Recon.
Corps. Mrs. Mary Taylor 113 Howes Side Lane, Marton SS, Blackpool,
Lanchastershire, England.
- Ward, G., #4974795, Private, 5th Batt. ,
Sherwood Foresters. Mrs. L.Ward 36 Palmerston St., Jacksdale,
Nottingham, England.
- Whiley, S., #5830703, Private,4th Batt.,
Suffolk Reg., Royal Inf. Mr. E. Whiley 12 Thorns Road, Quirry
Bank, Near Bribrley Hill, Staffshire, England.
- Wiles, F.E., #5955652, Private, 5th
Batt., Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Reg. Mrs. F.E. Wiles 15
Harrow Gardens, Warlingham, Surrey, England.
- John Campbell [ no information ] Deceased
The above data was received from The National Archives and
Records Administration.

USS Sealion SS 315 Under The Command of Cdr.
Eli T. Reich Second War Patrol
Rescue of Australian and British Prisoners of War
Names of Fifty Four Survivors
Australian Twenty Three Australian Imperial
- Blake, R.A., #VX20802, Gunner, 13th
Batt., 4th Anti-Tank Reg. Woorndoo, Mortlike, Victoria, Australia.
- Bolger, L.J., #NX56381, Gunner, 2nd 15th
Field Artillery. Bertha St., Fairfield, Sydney, N.S.W., Australia.
- Brown, Lyle, #SX8791, Driver, 2nd 2nd
Reserve Motor Trans. Division. Orroroo, South Australia.
- Buerekner, E.F., #VX23638, Private, 2nd
2nd Australian Pioneer Batt. Sunny Dale, Tungimah, Victoria,
- Cage, Graham, #SX8023, Driver, Ammunition
Sub Pack, 8th Div. 102 Gray St., Adelaide, South Australia.
- Calvert, N.D., #QX22922, Private, 2nd
29th Infantry Batt. Nanango, Queensland, Australia’
- Clarkson, Frank, #VX21783, Private, 2nd
Australian Pioneers. Alexandria, Victoria, Australia. Clifford,
Victor, #VX20904 Hdq. Co., 2nd 2nd Pioneer Batt. 116 Highett St.,
Richmond, Melborne, Australia.
- Clive, A.A., #NX32668, Cpl., 2nd 18th
Batt., 8th Division. 35 Crowsnest Road, Waverton, Sydney, N.S.W.
- Deguara, M., #QX18570, Driver, 2ND 3RD
Motor Transport Co. 130 Nebo Road, Mackay, Queensland, Australia.
- Downey, T.L., #VX26308, Private, 2nd 29th
Batt. 95 Seymour St., Trirlogon, Victoria, Queensland, Australia.
- Harris, J. L., #QX18665, Private, 2nd
26th Batt. Bakers Creek, Via Mackay, Queensland, Australia.
- Horsburgh, F.W., #VX54298, Spr., 2nd 10th
Field Company. 21 McConnell St., Kensington W-1, Melbourne,
Victoria, Aust.
- Johnson, T.P., #NX58915, Signalman, 8th
Australian Division. Railway St., Dungog, N.S.W., Australia.
- Kearney, L.D., #84276, Gunner, 2nd 4th
Machine Gun Battalion. Mintaro, South Australia.
- Laws, R.E., #NX18368, Private, 2nd 18th
Battalion. 79 Burke St., East Sydney, Australia.
- Nutley, N.A. #QX17951, Gunner, 2nd 10th
Field Regiment, 8th Div. Warrill View, Queensland, Australia.
- Ross, J.M., #VX24698, Driver, 105th
General Transport Co. 14 Viva St., Glaniris SA6, Melbourne,
Victoria, Australia.
- Sing, Alfred, #WX16424, Private, 2nd 4th
Machine Gun Battalion. 293 Duke St., Northam, Western Australia.
- Sprague, C.G., #VX54602, Private, 2nd 2nd Pioneer Battalion.
64 Rennis St., Coburg, Melbourne, Australia.
Royal Australian Navy
- Collins, Robert, #22177, Able Seaman,
H.M.A.S. Perth. 131 Lindsey St., Hamilton, New Castle, N.S.W.,
- Houghton, J.C., #23719, Able Seaman,
H.M.A.S. Perth. Worthing St., Wynmun Cent., Brisbane, Australia.
Royal Australian Air Force
- Day, N.C. #35423, Leading Air Craftsman Armourer, No 1
Reconnaisance And Bomber Squadron Nidgury Downs, Byrock, N.S.W.,
British Thirty One
British Army
- Armstrong, C.J., #1606836, Gunner, 85th
Anti-Tank Reg., Royal Artillery. 43 Cedardale Rd., Walton,
Liverpool, England.
- Ashworth, Norman, #982862, Gunner, 148th
Field Reg., Royal Artillery. 35 Queens St., Lancashire, England.
- Bagmall, Joseph, #497519, Private,1st 5th
Sherwood Forresters. 41 Coton Park, Linton, NR Burton-on-Trent,
Staffs, England.
- Bambridge, Leslie, #590132, Private, 85th
Bedfs and Herts. Brook Lane, Bedford, England.
- Barnett, Wilfred, #1103042, Gunner, 148th
Field Reg., Royal Artillery. 81 Annerley St., Penary Main,
Yorkshire, England.
- Castro, Ronald, #902473, 135th Field
Artillery, Royal Artillery. Kenthurst, Warren Rd., Chelsfield,
Kent, England.
- Coward, W.I., #937103, Gunner, 125th
Anti-Tank Reg., Royal Artillery. Clifton, Hawkstone Ave., Guisley
NR Leeds, Yorkshire, Eng.
- Deighton, J. #6028812, Signalman, R.O.
Corpd, Signalman. 11 Lawes St., Bow E-3, London, England.
- Emmett, N.H.R., #862267, Gunner, 148th
Field Reg., Royal Artillery. 147 New Bedford Rd., South Luton
Bedfordshire, England.
- Fuller, W.H., #1427178, Bombardier, 31st
7th Coast Regiment, Fix Defenses, Malay. 54 Lascotts Rd., Bous
Park, London, N19, England.
- Getzes, Alex, #1087781, Gunner,18th Div.,
88th Field Artillery. 6 Rae St., Sheepscar St., Leeps Seven,
Yorkshire, England.
- Gould, Gordon, #7635854, Cpl., Royal Army
Ord. Corps, 14th Section, Royal Artillery 142 Lai Village,
Yardley, Birmingham, 26, England.
- Halfhide, E.C., #4981054, Cpl., 1ST 5TH
Sherwood Forresters. 18 Foxholes Ave., Hertfordshire, England.
- Hall, Albert, #962445, Gunner, 148th
Field Regiment, Royal Artillery. 49 Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury,
Shropshire, England.
- Halligan, Jack, #964404, Gunner, 118th
Field Regiment. 76 Jervis St., Portadown County, Armagh, Northern
- Howland, R.E.A., #1437767, Gunner, 9th
Coast Regiment. 25 Harris Road, Sheeraess, England.
- Leslie, A.H., #3059601, Signalman, 18th
Field Regimeny, 11th Indian Division, Royal Artillery. 36
Lochroaatranent, East Lothiam, Scotland.
- Leighton, W.A., #842476, Gunner, 9th
Coast Regiment, Royal Artillery. Chapel House, Gearoowlydd,
Chepstow, Manmouthshire, Eng.
- Lowden, C.M., #896993, Gunner, 88th Field
Regiment. 18 Cornwallis St., Barrow-in-Furness, Lancashire,
- Pharoah, H.C., #7639917, Cpl., 14th
Section, Royal Army Ordnance Corps Base Ordnance Corps, Malay,
Command. 49 Garnier St., Fratton, Portsmouth Hants, England.
- Rolph, Douglas, #598149, Pvt., 5th Bedfs
and Herts . 24 Sharaly Road,St. Albans, Herts, England. Died 19
September 1944 .
- Simpson, S.G., #11001011, Gunner, 16th
Defense Regiment, Malay, Royal Artillery. 24 Park Road, Hinckley,
Licester, England.
- Smith, L.M., #948854, Lance Bombadier,
148th Field Reg., Royal Art. 174 Abotts Road, Abbots Land,
Watford, Herts, England.
- Starkey, E.G., #947001, Gunner, 125th
Anti-Tank Regiment. 10 ROCK Terrace, Hollywell Lane,
Glasshaughgon, Castle Ford, Yorhshire, England.
- Stone, W.H., #1115610, Gunner, 88th Field
Regiment. 109 Mansfield Road, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts, England.
- Wheeler, Mark, #840625, Gunner, Hdqs.,
9th Corps. 11 Portland Place, Edinborough, Scotland.
- Wilson, H.E., #4755432, Drummer, 1st 5th
Sherwood Forresters, D-Company, Drill Hall Derby. 101 Loampit
Vale, Lewisham, London, SE-13, England.
- Wyllie, Andrew, #4620751, Private, 1st 5th Sherwood
Forresters. 92 Hope St., Motherwell, Lanarkshire, Scotland.
Note three of the deceased were unidentified. They were in very
poor health when rescued and did not have any identification.
The above data was received from the National Archives and
Records Administration.
USS Queenfish SS 393
Under The Command of LtCdr. Charles E. Loughlin
First War
Rescued Australian
and British Prisoners of War
Names of Eighteen
Australian Twelve
Bancroft, William, #F-3239, Able Seaman,H.M.A.S. Perth. 192
Subiaco Road, Subiaco, Perth, West
Philip James, #WX12765, Private, 2/4Tth Machine Gun Battalion A.I.F. 45
Rockton Road, Claremont, West Australia.
Stanley Bede, #NX52537, Private, 2/19th Batt., A.I.F. 120
McLachlan St., Orange, N.S.W., Australia.
Harold Thomas, #WX9223, Prt., 2/4th Machine Gun Btn, A.I.F. 17
Parade St., Albany, West Australia.
Frederick Victor, #WX7268, Prt., 2/4th Machine Gunners, A.I.F. No. 6
Alice St., Geraldton, West Australia.
George Frederick, #NX31557, Driver, 8th Div. Hqtrs., A.I.F. 38
Darghan St., Glebe, Sydney, N.S.W.,
Lihou, Eric John, #QX9371, Gunner, 2/10th Field Artillery, A.I.F.
Royal Terrace Hamilton, Brisbane, Australia.
Frederick Charles, #NX32631, Gunner, 2/15th Field Reg., A.I.F.
34 Nelson St., Fairfield, N.S.W.
Nunan, Lindsay
Valentine, #NX55450, Private, 22nd Aus. Inf. Brig. Headquarters. A.I.F. %
Albemarble Hotel, Menindee, N.S.W., Australia.
Ernest Alexander, #NX1208, Driver, 2/3rd Reserve Motor Transportation
Co., A.I.F. No. 9 Flat, Carlyle House, No. 2 Kellett
St., Kings Cross, Sydney, N.S.W.,
Smith, William George, #QX4556, Warrant Officer, 2/10th Field Artillery.
A.I.F. % Solleys, Longreach, Queensland,
Raymond William, #VX61409, Private, 2/10th Ordnance Field Workshops, A.I.F. 9
Williams St., Balaclava, S2, Melbourne,
British Six
Carter, Frederick, #812905, Driver, R.A.S.C. 196 Field Ambulance. 159
Butterwaite Rd., Shiregreen, Sheffield, Yorkshire,
Grice, Cyril, #---, Gunner, 88th
Field Regiment. Doncaster, Yorkshire, England.
Harrison, William, #977758, Gunner, 9th Coast Regiment, R. A. Cator
House Farm, Farmwell, Gatemoor, Durham,
Hudson, Roy Ambrose, #1092740, Bombardier, 85th
Anti-Tank Reg. Edensor, Bakewell, Derbyshire,
Jones, Herbert, #7648536, Private, 14th Section R.A.O.C. 10
Little Moor Lane, Oldham, Lancashire,
Winters, Harry,
#---, Private, “C” Co., 5th Battalion, Bedford and Hartford Regiment,
R. A. Fulham, London, England
The above data was received from The
National Archives and Records Administration and
USS Barb SS 220 Under
The Command of CDR. Eugene B. Fluckey
Ninth War Patrol .
It should
be noted that the names of the Prisoners of War that
were rescued by the USS Barb was taken from the book, “Return From
The River Kwai,” written by Joan and Clay Blair Jr., Seimon &
Shuster, N.Y., N. Y., 1979.
The National
Archives and Records Administration was unable to locate a list of
names of men rescued by the USS Barb. There were refernces to the
rescue in the submarine’s deck log and war patrol reports but no
list of names was attached.
Australian |
British |
Jim Campbell |
Alfred Allbury |
Jack Flynn |
Thomas Carr |
Robert Hampson |
Augustus Fullar |
Cecil Hutchinson |
Jimmy Johnson |
Lloyd Minro |
Harold New |
Ross Smith |
Neville Thams |
Murray Thompson |
Boat |
Rescued |
Australian |
British |
Died |
Alive |
Pampanito |
73 |
47 |
25 |
1 (Brit) [1] |
72 |
Sealion |
54 |
23 |
27 |
4 [2] |
50 |
Queenfish |
18 |
12 |
4 |
2 (Brit) [3] |
16 |
Barb |
14 |
9 |
5 |
14 |
159 |
91 |
61 |
7 |
152 |
1. John Campbell
2. Three of the
dead was unidentified. The fourth was Douglas Rolph Pvt., 5989149,
5th Bedfs and Herts. 24 Sharaly Road, St. Albans, Herts, Eng. Died
19 September 1944.
3. Cyril Grice,
Gunner, 88th Field Yorkshire, England Regiment, R.A. Doncaster,
England. Harry Winters, Private, iCi Co., England, 5th BATTALION,
Bedford and Hartford Regiment, R.A. Fulham, London.
It should be noted that these men were given the appropriate
military honors for burial at sea.
Vessel |
POWs |
Rescued by US
subs |
Rescued by
Japanese |
Lost at
Sea |
Rakuyo Maru |
1318 |
Kachidoki Maru |
900 |
Japanese coverts |
136 |
Kibibi Maru |
520 |
USS Subs |
159 |
Totals: |
2218 |
159 |
656 |
1403 |
Article References:
[1] USS Pampanito SS 383 Third War
Patrol Report
[2] USS Pampanito SS 383 Third War
Patrol Report
& Clay Blair JR. SEIMON & SHUSTER, N. Y., N. Y. 1979
[4] THUNDER BELOW ADM. Eugene B. Fluckey
The War Patrol Report, of three submarines,
was obtained from The National Archives and Records Administration,
8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, Maryland 20740-6001.
Article Updates:
October 2006: According to the book ‘Heroes at
Sea’ by Don Wall, there was one more Australian rescued by USS Barb
from Rakuyo Maru and he was VX34456 L Cornelius of the 2/2 Pioneer
Battalion AIF. His discharge is May 45 and also listed as POW which
indicates Wall is most likely correct.
- Di Elliott, Australia
If any readers have additional information on this segment of
WWII submarine history, photos, anecdotes or other input, please contact
- Published on on August 2004 -