McLaughlin QM3/SS
by Jim Roger, Base Commander LA/Pasadena
After a very moving and memorable
service at The Ranch attended by many from the Submarine Community,
a very brief service, attended by only about six, was held
beside the tack room at the ranch. At that time, the urn containing
Garys' cremains was transfered to the care of Jim
Rogers, L.A./PASADENA Base Commander, to be delivered to an active
duty submarine for casting at sea.
Jim did contact T.L. Howard
,Capt. and C.O. of the USS Salt Lake City SSN 716. On 11 October
2005 a white glove service was held at the Submarine Memorial Point
Loma, San Diego. In attendance were Mark Maynard Memorial Chair L.A.
Chapter SubVets WWII and Ed Armstrong Pres. L.A. Chapter SubVets
WWII, both of whom are Submariners of WWII plus Jim Rogers and the
C.O.B. and another Officer of USS Salt Lake City.
On 28 October
2005, Salt Lake City departed San Diego for deployment to the East Coast
via the Northern Route. At 1530 at approx 12 Nautical
miles southwest of San Diego at coordinates 32Deg 36.7N-117Deg25.2W,
a very solomn ceremony was conducted topside. The Ship's Engineering
Officer, LCDR Larry A.Myers Jr., US Navy was the military commander
of the ceremony. The cremains were committed to the sea as the submarine
silently submerged below the calm seas of the Pacific Ocean.
Upon reaching the East Coast
an American flag, GPS Chart and letter from the C.O. of Salt Lake City was
sent to Ms. Sue McLaughlin. As Commander of the Los Angeles/Pasadena
Base USSVI and on behalf of our Membership a very heart-felt "Sailor rest
your oar and Hand salute." I am very honored to have played a role
in the Eternal Patrol of Gary McLaughlin. May he find calm winds, smooth
seas on his Final Patrol.
Gary McLaughlin, Eternal Patrol,
September 17, 2005
See also: Bash Memories and Bash