Make 40 Knots??
   by Ray Minisce, USS Angler SSK-240

A few months after reporting aboard the USS Angler SSK240 in the mid fifties I was at the helm during a dive. As the helmsman, it was my job also to relay instructions to the maneuvering room. Being new at the time, I was always a bit worried when I relayed an order... not wanting to screw up.

I recall receiving an order from the Captain: Have maneuvering make Four-O turns." 

"Have maneuvering make four-0 turns, aye sir" I replied. So I gave the order to maneuvering..."Maneuvering.. Con.. Make 40 knots."

There was silence for a moment. Then Maneuvering answered.." Whaaaaaaaat? You've got to be kidding!"

Needless to say everybody in the conning tower was very amused and I was very embarrassed. My nickname was always Minney on board but for a while I was "Ole 40 knot"

I wish I could go back aboard "just one more time"

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