Senior Crew
Posts: 168
Location: St. John's, Newfoundland. | Subject: Composite Pressure Hulls.
Take a look at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/8049179.stm#map
This is a mini-sub that can go down to 1,500 feet and it has a composite Pressure Hull. Obviously I do not know much about the material sciences involved in this but... has anyone even thought of using composites for a full-size Boat? Carbon Fibre with a suitable weave and a suitable bonding agent and hull shape... Obviously this wouldn’t work? Otherwise it would be done right? Surely someone’s researched this. Have they?
The advantages that come into my NQP head would be: A composite hull wouldn't have a magnetic field and the weight savings, two big factors and perhaps it could be fabricated into shapes that would be impossible to manufacture when using a metal hull. Would they be able to withstand the various shockwaves involved in Depth Charging, in fact, would they withstand it better than a metal hull?
I'm guessing that there's experts in the Boat industry who troll these pages - just in-case something interesting crops up. So, if any of these boffins read this and just so long that nothing's CLASSIFIED, can you inform this inquisitive NQP?
The subject of Pressure Hull design and development fascinates me, is there a website that deals with this. For instance, the Balao was, more-or-less a Gato with a better pressure hull, is this right/wrong?
Respectfully submitted, Hairball.

Mess cooking
Posts: 48
Location: No. CA | Subject: RE: Composite Pressure Hulls.
People are researching the field but a lot of the material is for sale or requires a subscription to Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials Online or other similar sites.
Preview of book of Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Composite
From the previous book I read that an operational deck shelter must be made as a first step to designing a submarine hull. By this I am assuming an operational deck shelter has not been built yet.
Wandering around the internet picked this up so a diligent effort more can be found.
Bob |
Senior Crew
Posts: 168
Location: St. John's, Newfoundland. | Subject: RE: Composite Pressure Hulls.
I dare say there's much to be found on this subject via GOOGLE et al. I've noted the use of composites in such things as HP Air Tanks for Fire-Fighters, but this is a different stress/strain ball of wax. Compression of a composite sphere would exert those forces conducive to de-lamination whilst those forces present on a pressurized tank would tend to forces the fibers together and thus its strength would be largely dependant on the composition, thread-dia, tensile and weave pattern of the fiber/s used in its construction.
I suspect that this is very-much under investigation and me (and my big mouth) asking questions vis-à-vis this subject possibly trespasses into those areas that are classified.
So... I'll shut up!
There's a lot of boat questions I would like to ask, such as those dealing with anechoic tiling, but I am also aware that this is a, 'no-go,' area. All the fun stuff is hush-hush... damn!
Cheers from the chilly island of Newfoundland, Hairy.