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At random: A submarine often navigates by sound when submerged. Sound can travel 3,000 nautical miles or more through water.
DBF C.O. stateroom question

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Bob T
Posted 2014-05-04 2:09 PM (#70898)

Senior Crew

Posts: 233

Subject: DBF C.O. stateroom question

Didn't spend much time there, but as I recall there was a gyrocompass repeater in the CO stateroom ("telltale compass" in old Navy). Was there other indication in the stateroom, such as depth or speed (pit log)?

Always felt a bit queasy getting sent to get something signed by the C.O. when I knew he was in his stateroom. OOD told me "we would all be more than queasy if we didn't keep him informed."
Bob T
Posted 2014-05-04 6:55 PM (#70902 - in reply to #70898)

Senior Crew

Posts: 233

Subject: RE: DBF C.O. stateroom question

Answered my own question. Gyro repeater and deep depth gauge.
Tx, Pampanito.
Jim M.
Posted 2022-04-02 6:56 AM (#102137 - in reply to #70898)

Great Sage of the Sea

Posts: 877

Subject: RE: DBF C.O. stateroom question

The CO stateroom on REQUIN (SS-481) was the last compartment on the starboard side of the ship, just before the hatch going into the control room. Adjustments in the design were made for her first CO, CDR Slade Cutter, since he was a 4-time Navy Cross winner and 6' 6" tall.. normally the CO's stateroom would be midway down the forward battery passageway.

Edited by Jim M. 2022-04-02 6:58 AM
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