Bash 2001
Registration Form
First name:
Last name:
Email address:
How many others are you bringing? (In ADDITION to yourself)
Date you're gonna get here:
Date you're gonna leave:
How 're you gonna camp?
Can you sleep others?
Wanna rent a local RV?
(for RV rental information, go here: (this company has a rental location in Fresno)... or go here
Where ya gonna sleep?

Please don't "play" with this form - the costs of hosting the bash are directly affected by what you enter on this form so please be accurate - THANKS!!

How many of ya's are showin' up for each meal?  Friday Supper
 Saturday Breakfast
 Saturday Lunch
 Saturday Supper
 Sunday Breakfast
What do you wanna do here?

 Horseback riding
 Nuthin, just sit around with a coffee cup or a beer
 Bungee jumping off the barn


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